Your upgrade for a fulfilled life full of ease, good vibes and time for yourself!

Living it up 2021 Vol. 2
Living it up is a 4-week online coaching program that helps you create a better quality of life through personal development. This means more time for things that you do from the heart, getting your energy flowing again and showing you the way to trust and freedom.
The first round started in January and thanks to the high demand, we are going into the second round in March.
Secure your place and be part of Living it Up Vol. 2!
13. März - 4. April 2021
Is this program for me?
Wohl die wichtigste Frage! Um dir die Antwort ein wenig zu erleichtern, beschreibe ich dir kurz 5 Themen, bei welchen dir Living it up helfen wird. Schau mal rein.
endless loop between working, eating, sleeping
Between your work and the activities that help you keep your life together, there's not much going on. You work, eat something and then it's really late again. Time to sleep and tomorrow it's all over again - yay?!
Andere können das - aber ich nicht
Du siehst bei anderen wie es funktioniert, ein glücklich und erfülltes Leben zu leben aber dir selbst würde ja sowas nie passieren. Dazu muss man doch Glück haben! Oder Geld! Oder beides!
Und überhaupt - wer bin ich?! Was will ich?!
Du bist nicht so richtig glücklich in deinem Leben und wenn du etwas zurückspulst merskt du, dass du dich den Gegebenheiten angepasst hast. Aufgegeben, Flasche leer. Alte Muster, andere Meinungen, Erwartungen von anderen Menschen. Wo bleibt da noch Raum wer du wirklich bist? Weisst du noch wer dein ICH ist?
Maybe in another life
You put off things that are actually important to you. Things that can be life-changing but also require a closer look. But deep down you know that these things are good for you and would help you move forward. Would you like a dash of courage?
Tausende Anfänge und doch keine Änderungen
Du hast dich schon einige Male dazu gerungen etwas zu ändern. Podcasts, Bücher, Seminare abgeklappert und doch ist Nichts hängengeblieben? Eigentlich kennst du den Weg, doch wenn der Alltag kommt verfällst du alten Verhaltensmustern.

So that you can align yourself perfectly internally for the new you, we will first conclude what you have experienced.
You will process and reflect on the insights you have gained from your career so far so that you can resolve any problems or obstacles you may have in the future.
And then... start dreaming!
In order to see clearly, chaos sometimes has to arise first. I will consciously accompany you into your chaos.
This way, you can tackle your difficult issues in a protected environment, process them and then consciously break free from them.
Life is easier without unnecessary or even unconscious obstacles.
Where the magic happens!
Now you know your stumbling blocks. But what are your heart's desires? Where do you want to go? And even more importantly - how do you want to feel?
In this module, you will explore your future self and shape your 2021 according to your heart's desires.
It's high time to apply what you've learned in the last modules. You'll learn to use your Higher Self Mindset to create your life the way your heart wants it. To help you maintain these new habits, I'll show you how to integrate powerful tools into your everyday life. Et voilà - you're ready to actually achieve your heart's desires.
True to the motto:
Living it up!

Sichere dir deinen Platz & mach was aus 2021
Im Living it Up 2021 erwartet dich
Personal Coaching Inputs & Tools
In the weekly online LIVE coaching sessions, I will provide you with my best coaching tools , exercises and inputs for each individual module. These are intended to support you in the process from reflection to the implementation of your heart's desires for 2021 .
In the last week I will send you a workbook with all the topics and tools we have worked on, which will be available to you for life.
This means you can access and reuse this content regardless of location and time.
Yoga & Meditation Sessions
During Living it up 2021, we will not only focus on our mindset, but will also pursue a holistic approach . This means that we will not only work with our consciousness, but also a lot with our subconscious.
Thanks to weekly yoga and meditation sessions, we can go even deeper and consolidate what we have learned. We start or end our coaching sessions with a suitable meditation and in the middle of the week you are invited to join in a yoga session that is specifically designed for the topics of the modules and get into the flow.
The sessions are suitable for beginners and advanced students.
Support to build your mind and heart set
As a coach, I will accompany you in building and living a powerful mind and heart set . Learn to create your own tools for your everyday life to bring your life energy to a higher level. Living it up 2021 is designed so that the things you learn will also remain in your life with ease . Forget New Year's resolutions and focus on your flow!
Workbook & Journal
In a weekly growing workbook you will receive all the information that you can access at any time. In the Starter Guide you will find all the details to prepare yourself so that you can concentrate on the online coaching program. I will also send you a handmade journal in which you can record and reflect on all your important thoughts, ideas, heart's desires, etc. You do not need a journaling routine for this and you do not have to be a writer. You design your journal however you like.
people close to our hearts in the community & buddy system
Certain things are easier when you can share them with someone. If you find yourself on this page, you are definitely a person with a heart and fit in perfectly with the Salty Zone community . In this community you will find like-minded people who are also interested in their own personal development and want to live according to the motto "Living it up" .
Thanks to the buddy system, you can exchange ideas, connect, motivate, support and inspire each other in more depth if necessary.
This will not only help you to strengthen your positive life energy but can also lead to wonderful contacts and friendships.
Are you ready to take your 2021 to the next level?
Dann melde dich jetzt zum Living it Up 2021 an!
March 13 - April 4, 2021
This is what your Living it up 2021 package includes:
valid until:
January 31, 2021
- 4-week coaching program
- 1 workbook with your personal coaching toolkit
- 1 journal for all your thoughts & notes
- Access to the coaching member area
- Exclusive access to the Salty Zone community
- Personal inputs via voice messages
- Recordings of the coaching sessions
- Lifetime access to all content + downloads
- Salty Zone Secrets ... like additional meditations, yoga flows, additional exercises and a few little secrets